Aptos Wallet Standard
The wallet standard provides guidelines for interoperability between wallet types. This ensures dapp developers do not need to change their applications to handle different wallets. This standard offers a single interface for all dapp developers, allowing easy additions of new wallets and more users to each application. This interoperability allows users to choose which wallet they want without worrying about whether apps support their use cases.
In order to ensure interoperability across Aptos wallets, the following is required:
- Mnemonics - a set of words that can be used to derive account private keys
- dapp API - entry points into the wallet to support access to identity managed by the wallet
- Key rotation - the feature handling both the relationship around mnemonics and the recovery of accounts in different wallets
Mnemonics phrases
A mnemonic phrase is a multiple word phrase that can be used to generate account addresses. We recommend one mnemonic per account in order to handle key rotation better. However, some wallets may want to support one mnemonic to many accounts coming from other chains. To support both of these use cases, the Aptos wallet standard uses a Bitcoin Improvement Proposal (BIP44) to derive path for mnemonics to accounts.
Creating an Aptos account
Aptos account creation can be supported across wallets in the following manner:
- Generate a mnemonic phrase, for example with BIP39.
- Get the master seed from that mnemonic phrase.
- Use the BIP44-derived path to retrieve an account address (e.g.
- See the Aptos TypeScript SDK’s implementation for the derive path
- For example, Petra Wallet always uses the path
since there is one mnemonic per one account.
* Creates new account with bip44 path and mnemonics,
* @param path. (e.g. m/44'/637'/0'/0'/0')
* Detailed description: {@link https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0044.mediawiki}
* @param mnemonics.
* @returns AptosAccount
static fromDerivePath(path: string, mnemonics: string): AptosAccount {
if (!AptosAccount.isValidPath(path)) {
throw new Error("Invalid derivation path");
const normalizeMnemonics = mnemonics
.map((part) => part.toLowerCase())
.join(" ");
const { key } = derivePath(path, bytesToHex(bip39.mnemonicToSeedSync(normalizeMnemonics)));
return new AptosAccount(new Uint8Array(key));
Supporting one mnemonic per multiple account wallets
This is not recommended because the one-mnemonic-to-many-accounts paradigm makes it harder to handle rotated keys (the mnemonic changes for one account but not others). However, many wallets from other ecosystems use this paradigm, and take these steps to generate accounts
- Generate a mnemonic phrase, for example with BIP39.
- Get the master seed from that mnemonic phrase.
- Use the BIP44-derived path to retrieve private keys (e.g.
) wherei
is the account index.
- Increase
until all the accounts the user wants to import are found.
- Note: The iteration should be limited, if an account doesn’t exist during
iteration, keep iterating for a constant
(10 for now) to see if there are any other accounts. If an account is found we will continue to iterate as normal.
const gapLimit = 10;
let currentGap = 0;
for (let i = 0; currentGap < gapLimit; i += 1) {
const derivationPath = `m/44'/637'/${i}'/0'/0'`;
const account = fromDerivePath(derivationPath, mnemonic);
const response = account.getResources();
if (response.status !== 404) {
currentGap = 0;
} else {
currentGap += 1;
dapp API
More important than account creation, is how wallets connect to dapps. Additionally, following these APIs will allow for the wallet developer to integrate with the Aptos Wallet Adapter Standard. The APIs are as follows:
signAndSubmitTransaction(transaction: EntryFunctionPayload)
signMessage(payload: SignMessagePayload)
- Event listening (
// Common Args and Responses
// For single-signer account, there is one publicKey and minKeysRequired is null.
// For multi-signer account, there are multiple publicKeys and minKeysRequired value.
type AccountInfo = {
address: string;
publicKey: string | string[];
minKeysRequired?: number; // for multi-signer account
type NetworkInfo = {
name: string;
chainId: string;
url: string;
// The important thing to return here is the transaction hash, the dapp can wait for it
type [PendingTransaction](https://github.com/aptos-labs/aptos-core/blob/1bc5fd1f5eeaebd2ef291ac741c0f5d6f75ddaef/ecosystem/typescript/sdk/src/generated/models/PendingTransaction.ts)
type [EntryFunctionPayload](https://github.com/aptos-labs/aptos-core/blob/1bc5fd1f5eeaebd2ef291ac741c0f5d6f75ddaef/ecosystem/typescript/sdk/src/generated/models/EntryFunctionPayload.ts)
Connection APIs
The connection APIs ensure that wallets don’t accept requests until the user acknowledges that they want to see the requests. This keeps the user state clean and prevents the user from unknowingly having prompts.
will prompt the user for a connection- return
allows the user to stop giving access to a dapp and also helps the dapp with state management- return
State APIs
Get Account
Connection required
Allows a dapp to query for the current connected account address and public key
no prompt to the user- returns
Get Network
Connection required
Allows a dapp to query for the current connected network name, chain ID, and URL
no prompt to the user- returns
Signing APIs
Sign and submit transaction
Connection required
Allows a dapp to send a simple JSON payload using the TypeScript SDK for signing and submission to the current network. The user should be prompted for approval.
signAndSubmitTransaction(transaction: EntryFunctionPayload)
will prompt the user with the transaction they are signing- returns
Sign message
Connection required
Allows a dapp to sign a message with their private key. The most common use case is to verify identity, but there are a few other possible use cases. The user should be prompted for approval. You may notice some wallets from other chains just provide an interface to sign arbitrary strings. This can be susceptible to man-in-the-middle attacks, signing string transactions, etc.
export interface SignMessagePayload {
address?: boolean; // Should we include the address of the account in the message
application?: boolean; // Should we include the domain of the dapp
chainId?: boolean; // Should we include the current chain id the wallet is connected to
message: string; // The message to be signed and displayed to the user
nonce: string; // A nonce the dapp should generate
export interface SignMessageResponse {
address?: string;
application?: string;
chainId?: number;
fullMessage: string; // The message that was generated to sign
message: string; // The message passed in by the user
nonce: string;
prefix: string; // Should always be APTOS
signature: string | string[]; // The signed full message
bitmap?: Uint8Array; // a 4-byte (32 bits) bit-vector of length N
signMessage(payload: SignMessagePayload)
prompts the user with thepayload.message
to be signed- returns
An example:
signMessage({nonce: 1234034, message: "Welcome to dapp!", address: true, application: true, chainId: true })
This would generate the fullMessage
to be signed and returned as the signature
address: 0x000001
chain_id: 7
application: badsite.firebase.google.com
nonce: 1234034
message: Welcome to dapp!
Aptos has support for both single-signer and multi-signer accounts. If the
wallet is single-signer account, there is exactly one signature and bitmap
null. If the wallet is a multi-signer account, there are multiple signature
and bitmap
values. The bitmap
masks that public key that has signed the
Event listening
To be added in the future:
- Event listening (
Key rotation
Key rotation is currently not implemented in any wallets. Mapping of rotated keys has been implemented, but SDK integration is in progress.
Wallets that import a private key will have to do the following:
- Derive the authentication key.
- Lookup the authentication key on-chain in the Account origination table.
- If the account doesn’t exist, it’s a new account. The address to be used is the authentication key.
- If the account does exist, it’s a rotated key account, and the address to be used will come from the table.